vimperator - основные команды
С чего начать
F1 - вызов справки
:set go=mT - вернуть меню и toolbar
(нажать :, в командной строке набрать set go=mT)
: - командная строка
/ - поиск на странице
o + url - перейти на url
t + url - перейти на url в новой закладке
d - закрыть закладку
u - отменить закрытие закладки
f - быстрые ссылки, переход в текущей закладке
(ссылки нумеруются, после ввода номера переходим по ссылке)
F - быстрые ссылки, переход в новую закладку
hjkl - прокрутка страницы лево/низ/верх/право
gg/G - перейти к началу / концу страницы
C-b/space - page up / page down
y - копировать url в буфер
p - вставить url из буфера
Список основных команд приведен ниже, кроме того, настройки для более удобного перемещения по открытым закладкам описаны здесь.
- Moving -
hjkl - лево/низ/верх/право
Space/C-b - scroll down/up by one page
C-d/C-u - scroll down/up by 1/2 page
gg - page top
G - page end
]f / [f - focus next|prev frame
gi - focus last input
- Zoom -
+ / - - zoom in|out
- History -
C-o/C-i - move Back/Forward in the history
H/L - -//-
:ju - history list for tab
- Tabs -
B - list tabs
:b index - go to tab №index
gt/C-n - go to the next tab
gT/C-p - go to the previous tab
g0/g$ - go to the first/last tab
d - close the active tab (delete the buffer)
u - undo close tab
:[count]tabd - Duplicates current tab [count] times
- Browsing -
o,:o - open
t,:t - tabopen
O = :open + current url
:open ~ - открыть домашнюю папку (file browser)
:open C: - открыть диск C:
p - open clipboard url
P - open clipboard url in a new tab
r - reload page
R - reload skipping cache
C-c - stop loading of current page
gu - go to parent directory
gU - go to root of website
f - hints for this page
F - hints for new tab
;{mode}{hint} - Start an extended hint mode.
; to focus a link and hover it with the mouse
a to save its destination (prompting for save location)
s to save its destination
o to open its location in the current tab
t to open its location in a new tab
O to open its location in an :open query
T to open its location in a :tabopen query
v to view its destination source
w to open its destination in a new window
W to open its location in a :winopen query
y to yank its destination location
Y to yank its text description
f to open its location in the current tab
F to open its location in a new tab
- Other -
[count]C-x - Decrements the last number in URL by 1, or by count if given.
[count]C-a - Increments the last number in URL by 1, or by count if given.
C-g - print file name
g C-g - print file info
:pa - page info
:w - save page
gf - view source
gF - view source in external editor
Run a command. Runs {cmd} through system() and displays its output.
Any '!' in {cmd} is replaced with the previous external command.
But not when there is a backslash before the '!', then that backslash is removed.
- Copy -
y - copy url to clipboard
Y - copy selection to clipboard
visual mode
i - Start caret mode. This mode resembles the Vim normal mode where you
see a text cursor and can move around. If you want to select text in
this mode, press v to start its Visual mode.
Нажимаем i ставим курсор куда нужно,
Потом - v - двигаем курсор, выделяется текст
:xall - command to quit and save the current browsing session for next time;
the default.
:qall - command to quit without saving the session
ZZ - normal mode mapping equivalent to :xall
ZQ - normal mode mapping equivalent to :qall
:cd [-|path] - Change the current directory. :cd - changes to the last directory.
:pw :pwd - Print the current directory name.
F1, :h - help
:viu - normal mode commands list
:exu - help on Ex commands
:dialog - To access some of Firefox's many dialog windows, :help :dialog
:bmarks - Vimperator provides a new interface to bookmarks
:history - It's exactly what it sounds like.
:downl - downloads
:dialog printpreview and :dialog printsetup
The "Print Preview" and "Page Setup" dialogs can be opened via the :dialog command
:emenu + команда (+tab - список) - доступ к главному меню firefox
:res[tart] - Force the browser to restart. Useful when installing extensions.
Disable vimperator
Disable all Vimperator keys except
This is especially useful, if JavaScript controlled forms like the RichEdit form
fields of Gmail don't work anymore. To exit this mode, press
If you also need to pass
If you only need to pass a single key to a JavaScript form
field or another extension prefix the key with
Also works to unshadow Firefox shortcuts like
hidden in Vimperator. When Vimperator mode is temporarily disabled
------ Settings -----------------------------
Unix and Mac: ~/.vimperatorrc then ~/_vimperatorrc
Windows - ~/_vimperatorrc then ~/.vimperatorrc
:mkv[imperatorrc][!] [file]
Write current key mappings and changed options to [file].
If no [file] is specified then ~/.vimperatorrc is written unless
this file already exists. The special version :mkvimperatorrc!
will overwrite [file] if it exists.
:set go=mT - показать меню и тулбар
Ярлыки: firefox, hotkeys, vimperator
Комментарии: 1:
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